Quand la dette d'un Etat est elle considérée soutenable ?
Here is my weekly question on France Info (aired on March 18). Quand la dette d'un Etat est elle considérée soutenable ? quand elle est...
Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics at BI Business School, Oslo
I have now arrived in Oslo for the 23rd Symposium of the Society for Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics. This is a conference that I like...
Retour à 2004 ? Les tribulations de la parité euro/dollar
The rapid change in the euro/dollar exchange rate brings us back to the early/mid 2000s and reminds me of one old study I did with other...
Comment appelait-on le Ministre des Finances sous Henri IV ? (France Info)
This is my regular France Info question in "Un jour, une question" by Emmanuel Davidenkoff as broadcast today. The link is here. On parle...
A quoi sert la Banque de France, maintenant qu'il existe une Banque Centrale Européenne ?
This is a question I had prepared for my regular talks on France Info (Un Jour, Une Question, by Emmanuel Davidenkoff) and ended up not...
My talk at Maastricht University on productivity and employment
I am on my way today to give a talk in the department of Quantitative Economics at the University of Maastricht. This is joint work with...
Pour atteindre ses objectifs d'inflation, la BCE doit peser sur les anticipations des agents économiques et donc indirectement sur leurs...